
A 1 Cape Breton Sausage
Contact: Peter Buschmann and Leslie Larsen
Address: PO Box 57 Cleveland, NS, B0E 1J0
Phone: 902-631-4551
About Us
Welcome to our Free Range Bio Farm where we produce A1 Cape Breton Sausage.
Our farm philosophy is based on the principles of permaculture and a belief that at
its heart, a farm is dynamic organism with all parts interconnecting. Our free range
pigs clear the land for our gardens. Composted pig and chicken manure feeds the
gardens and hugelkulture beds. In return, our gardens supplement the feed for the
chickens and pigs. We believe in raising our animals without the use of chemicals
and with the freedom to live a natural outdoor life. We produce a variety of
sausages, loaf meats, salami and hunters sausage. All sausages and meats are hand
made in our certified meat shop on the farm in the German tradition using Peters
own recipes. As well, we have a smoke shop to smoke our meats and locally sourced
fish. Drop by our farm in Cleveland to purchase meats, eggs and smoked fish.
Our website is…
We sell from the markets in Baddeck, Mabou, and Antigonish or direct from the shop…
As well to the Cape Breton Food Hub…
Our farm philosophy is based on the principles of permaculture and a belief that at
its heart, a farm is dynamic organism with all parts interconnecting. Our free range
pigs clear the land for our gardens. Composted pig and chicken manure feeds the
gardens and hugelkulture beds. In return, our gardens supplement the feed for the
chickens and pigs. We believe in raising our animals without the use of chemicals
and with the freedom to live a natural outdoor life. We produce a variety of
sausages, loaf meats, salami and hunters sausage. All sausages and meats are hand
made in our certified meat shop on the farm in the German tradition using Peters
own recipes. As well, we have a smoke shop to smoke our meats and locally sourced
fish. Drop by our farm in Cleveland to purchase meats, eggs and smoked fish.
Our website is…
We sell from the markets in Baddeck, Mabou, and Antigonish or direct from the shop…
As well to the Cape Breton Food Hub…