
Feywood Grove Farm
Contact: Demmarest Haney/ Joe Parish
Address: 256 Hills Rd. Albert Bridge, NS, B1K 3E5
Phone: 902-562-6990
About Us
Feywood Grove Farm is a small homestead committed to providing sustainably grown produce and ethically raised animals for dairy, eggs, and meat. We utilize regenerative and permaculture methods and strive to be as in tune with the natural cycle of our land as possible. All of our produce is grown with rich manure produced on our homestead using heritage seeds and in cooperation with the native species that co-exist on our land. We never use pesticides, man-made fertilizers, fungicides or other artificial inputs. We are passionate about local sustainable food, and that is why we also share knowledge through our folkschool which teaches workshops on food production and preservation, cheese making, and animal husbandry as well as hosting farm volunteers.
non-certified sustainable, permaculture principles